气体过滤器 LE6
- 高精滤芯(约15 µ)
- 符合EIGA、AIGA和CGA规定的氧气最大流速要求
- 帮助提高下游设备的性能
- 提高下游配件的使用寿命
- 无需拆卸即可进行维护保养如更换滤芯,节省时间和费用
- 高流速以及低压损
- 配合WITT气囊式先导减压阀767LE(包括智能选项)使用更为理想
- 每个过滤器均经过100%测试
WITT gas filter LE6 protects downstream components and systems f rom contamination and condensates.
Its size allows high flows with low pressure drop and compliance with the EIGA, AIGA and CGA maximum velocity limits.
- ultra fine filtering out of mechanical impurities through bronze filter inserts
- broad range of applications – compatible with many technical gases
- change of filter possible while installed due to user-friendly design
- high flowrate owing to flow-maximising design (4 500 Nm3/h for O2 at 30 bar and 50 mbar pressure drop)
- condensates can be collected and removed using condensate drain
- optimized design for easy installation and maintenance
- extended flange connections for the simplest possible mounting of this heavy unit
- connections on the inlet and outlet side to allow for pressure monitoring
- reliable filtering performance increases service life of downstream components and equipment
Operation / Usage
- Gas filters are designed for installation in pipelines
- must be installed vertically
- condensates should be drained at regular intervals
- filter inserts must be checked regularly and replaced if necessary
- electronic differential pressure monitoring
Company certified according to ISO 9001 and PED 2014/68/EU Module G
CE-marked according to: PED 2014/68/EU
Designed for Oxygen Service in accordance with EIGA 13/20, CGA G-4.4 and AIGA 021/20: Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems